Sending a text might seem old-fashioned, especially now Telegram and WhatsApp are readily available. There are very few people that are not using these apps. But there are certain cases where you would rather send a text, or moreover; send a text online. So what exactly is a text and how do you send a text online? We will tell you all about it.
Did you phone break for example? Or maybe it’s stolen? Then it could be useful to let a few of your contacts know. Do you have their phone numbers somewhere? Then you can use to easily send them a text online.
The history of the text message
SMS, or text message, is the abbreviation for Short Message Service. It is a very literal description of a text message and it means you can send a message, using a limited amount of characters. Matti Makkonen invented the SMS service in 1985, at the same time that the cell phone was being developed. On December 3rd 1992, the first text message was sent; from a computer in England to the Vodafone Mobile Network. The text that was send read “Merry Christmas”. A very topical message for the time of year.
After 2010, the use of the SMS was expanded quite a bit. The most important reason was the affordability of sending a text. Nowadays it is often even free. But, there are also many options to send a text message online.
How do you send a text online?
Through, you can very easily send an SMS online. Whatever your reason might be! As long as you have a laptop or PC available, you can send a text online. Just go through the following steps and you will have sent a text message in no time.
- Step 1: Pick a sender that the message is meant for. Then fill in your own name (or pick anonymous or business message).
- Step 2: Note down the phone number the message has to be delivered to.
- Step 3: Write a text message with a maximum of 150 characters. Do you want to write a longer message? That is possible too! You’re paying per 150 characters.
- Step 4: Press “send SMS”.
- Step 5: You will be sent through to the payment systems. After payment of your text message, it will be sent immediately.
Did you know that you can send a message anonymously very easily through And do you want to pull a prank on a colleague or send your crush an anonymous love declaration? You can do this anonymously, safely and cheap at We guarantee it is completely anonymous and safe.
An anonymous text message is only anonymous if you do not have to give out your own name. That is why you can use a random name and phone number as the sender through this service. This way, your message will be sent truly anonymous and cannot be traced. And this counts for countries all over the world! Without extra cost. Read more about how to send a text message internationally, here.