The value of mobile marketing, the Bulk SMS

Did you know that a consumer opens a mobile message 35x more often than an e-mail? This is why you need to raise your conversion using Bulk SMS! Personalize your campaign with a direct link to a page, media or your message.

Using Bulk SMS as a communication tool for your customer.

It’s a growing trend. Businesses are using Bulk SMS more and more to communicate with their customers. You can be direct, use personal communication, save costs and increase customer loyalty.

This is why we understand that companies use marketing through a text message more often. There are a lot of benefits to it. To whomever this form of marketing is new, let’s review the advantages:

Direct delivery of your message

A text message is a fast and efficient way of getting your message across. Within seconds after hitting send, the message is delivered. Even when there is no internet.

High open rate

Did you know that over 90% of text messages are read by the recipient within 3 minutes? There is no other communication tool that has that high of an open rate!

A personal approach for your target audience

A text message is perceived as very personal. It’s something received on their phone that is usually within an arm’s length reach. This grabs your customer’s attention immediately.


The world is in your hands with text messages. You can reach millions of people all at once, at any point of the day, wherever they are. Using SMS you also have access to the only technology that every mobile operator worldwide has.

Easy to manage

Almost everyone knows how to send a text. That also means, the person reading your text needs little help opening your message. Besides this, a text message keeps your message short and powerful, by using as few characters as possible.

Reliable delivery

A marketing e-mail often ends up in the spam filters. That is very unfortunate, because the message never reaches your customer. A text messages on the other hand is not stopped by spam filters and will always safely arrive in the inbox of your audience.

Curious to hear how you can send a text message to your target audience?

Do you want to send a bulk SMS to your target audience, then you want to do that efficiently and safe. So here are the steps to make this happen.

  • Step 1: Pick a sender, for example your company name
  • Step 2: You fill in the phone number the text message needs to go to
  • Step 3: Write the message in maximally 150 character. Write a short, concise text so you clearly portray your message.
  • Step 4: Click Send SMS. You will then be directed to the payment page.
  • Step 5: After completing the payment, your bulk SMS will be sent immediately!

Do you want to know more about all the possibilities of sending a business text message? We have figured it all out in our article “Sending a Business Text”.

bulk sms

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